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Workboat design from 0 to 30 m

Fishing boats up to 15 m long

Cargo & passengers vessels up to 30 m long

Pontoons, barges & special vessels up to 30 m long

Studies & advices

Required power calc's for displacement & planing crafts

Stability test & study according to french Affaires Maritimes certification

Structural calculations

Hull performance optimisation

Building survey for wood, composites & aluminium materials

2017-04-02 - listao voile 03 - NZE_6783-


Coastal liner built by ANO (France)

AntiK 9.0 m

AntiK 9.0 m

Diving catamaran Built of plywood, composites or aluminium



Coastal liner built by ANO (France)

AK10 pax

AK10 pax

Passengers vessel Built of plywood, composites or aluminium alloy



Daysailer for passengers, events or daycharter Composites or aluminium alloy



Coastal liner built by ANO (France)

Néocatan' 12 m

Néocatan' 12 m

Passengers vessel for events at sea Built of plywood/epoxy or composites



Coastal liner built by Espace Vag (France)

An'tik 6 m

An'tik 6 m

Coastal liner catamaran Plywood/epoxy

Lagad glaz

Lagad glaz

Coastal liner built by Espace Vag (France)

Aven Belon 10m

Aven Belon 10m

Aluminium passengers vessel

Listao 16m

Listao 16m

Multipurpose professionnal sailing catamaran Low drag for high efficiency under sails

Barge Glénans

Barge Glénans

Barge for cargo Under construction in aluminium alloy



Sketch study for an electric powered ferryboat for Concarneau (France)

Listao 8.50

Listao 8.50

Coastal fishing sailing boat Rigged with two cat-rigs Plywood/epoxy This projetc is supported by the association Voile au Travail

Listao 9.95m

Listao 9.95m

Coastal fishing sailing liner Built of aluminium alloy

Listao 11.95 m

Listao 11.95 m

Cargo sailing vessel for coastal freight Aluminium alloy

Listao 30 m

Listao 30 m

Cargo / passengers sailing vessel for mediteranean area Project in the planning stage

Senneur du Léman

Senneur du Léman

Coastal liner for Léman lake

© 2019 -  Julien Marin Architecture Navale

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